CareGiver – Digital Campaign

The Brief & Background

CareGiver is a support call service for the VENTANA/Roche Tissue Diagnostic instruments. The support employees are made-up of pathology professionals. The CareGiver marketing managers asked for a new mailer brochure to promote an upcoming CareGiver update.

The unfolded CareGiver mailer, front and back.

What I did

I art-directed and ran the photo-shoot for the new mailer. I designed graphics that I applied to a marketing campaign to promote the CareGiver update, product pages, and a new intranet site. I later rebuilt the graphics for the new GUI system on the instruments.

A digital marketing campaign was launched to get the word out about the new CareGiver. I had the idea to build a CareGiver screensaver as a promo piece for our customers. CareGiver customers consisted of lab techs that typically worked in a lab with no natural light. This sounded very dark to me so I built the screensaver out of hearts that occurred in nature to match the CareGiver check-marked heart. To adhere to the Sunshine Act, we could not give away anything that had a monetary value or could be sold. The screensaver brought the outside into the lab.

Five computer screens with visuals from the CareGiver digital campaign.

Key Tools & Deliverables

  • Adobe InDesign
  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Eloqua
  • Composite Photos
  • Collateral
  • GUI icons
  • Emails & Landing pages
  • Screensaver
Three pages from the CareGiver Brochure
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